How to Make Friends as an Adult

Friendships don’t form overnight and sometimes it can take multiple tries to reach someone. If you have the feeling someone could be a good friend, it's important to put yourself out there and continue to try. Sometimes your efforts won’t work out, but no friendship begins without some trial and error. Consistency and effort are also important to keep longer-standing relationships healthy and accessible for both you and your friend.

Be Honest

In the same way that an object in motion tends to stay in motion, intimacy in relationships breeds intimacy. Try putting yourself out there and being honest about your thoughts and feelings. Not only will this allow you to meet people who genuinely share your interests, but it also can create a space where the other person feels more confident to share as well. Start small with a more honest answer to “how are you?” the next time you’re in the company of a possible new friend and see if it opens the door to a deeper and more honest connection.

Be Selective

Though it might feel like having any company is better than being alone, sometimes the best thing to do is to be selective about where you spend your time and energy. Long-lasting and deep connections will always do you more good than having tons of friends without any real support. Keep looking for the people you truly connect with and don’t waste your time on people that don’t make you feel cared for. Trying hobbies or finding activities that align with your interests can help you find like-minded people and keep YOU at the forefront of your mind during a difficult time.

It is ok to feel alone. It is ok to feel friendless. Spend this time getting to know yourself and you are bound to meet people with thoughts, feelings, and goals similar to your own. And while you wait, we are always here to be a friend.


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