Things You Always Forget When Moving!
Congrats! You’re making the plunge and packing your things! A new home can mean so many things; new opportunities, new environments, maybe even some newly-found security. Whatever home means to you (and wherever it is), here are some small reminders for a slightly easier landing.
Don’t Forget the Little Things
You know to pack your clothes and toiletries. These things will make it into a box! However, sometimes it's the smallest items that can seriously drain a bank account after your move. Things like seasonings and sauces, trash cans, hangers, and cleaning supplies can wind up costing hundreds when all bought new. Do your best to avoid the throw-it-away-itis that can come when packing; and try to have some flex money upon moving in for any bits and bobs you inevitably miss!
Everything is a Learning Opportunity
There are countless things that can go wrong when moving to a new place and while living there. Hopefully, this doesn’t scare you, because it means you will grow in ways you didn't expect! Allow for flexibility no matter what your moving plan is. Don’t be afraid to dive into all of the ups and downs that come with moving out because soon you’ll be able to face any challenge with confidence.
Focus on What You CAN Control
No matter how perfect a home may seem when you are touring, there are always going to be upsides and downsides you don’t see coming. Being honest with yourself about what you need and how you need to accomplish your move can save heartache down the line. At the end of the day, there is no one way to live and no one way to move so make the best decisions you can for your body, your bank account, and your goals!
To Moving Company or Not to Moving Company?
This is a complicated question with unfortunately a complicated answer. It's up to you! Moving by yourself or with the help of some friends can sometimes be drastically cheaper. In locations where specific movers insurance or fees don't apply, there may be no reason to do anything more than rent a truck. However, movers are incredibly experienced in doing exactly this! If you feel uncertain of your physical capabilities or your packing prowess, movers can provide some peace of mind during a hectic life event. They can also provide security for your belongings during transit and some even dis-assemble/reassemble larger furniture pieces!