Becoming (Nina)
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Becoming (Nina)

We come from a long line of women before us, and when my mother left, I regretted the way I took that fact for granted. Now, I strive to do what I’m sure she did, too, in her own way: learn.

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Chronic Illness Management Tips - Alexa
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Chronic Illness Management Tips - Alexa

After first learning about my diagnosis I, of course, went online to find information. How do I live in a body that suddenly felt like the enemy? I didn’t find a community; all I found in my initial searches were articles about how Fibromyalgia is a fake disease. Now, this isn’t surprising since we still know so little about how the brain functions,  since Fibromyalgia sufferers are typically women, and since it is a disease that doesn’t show up physically or on most tests. But the only impact these articles had on me at the time was making me feel more alone. So that no one has to feel that way again, here are a few suggestions I have found extremely helpful in my own invisible illness journey.

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Most Common Chronic Illnesses for Young Adults
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Most Common Chronic Illnesses for Young Adults

An infographic outlining the most common chronic illnesses in young adults based on research done by the CDC and National Institute of Health. It outlines how Obesity, Depression, and High Blood Pressure are the top chronic conditions in young adults. It also shows how disability and other factors can impact these numbers!

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How to Thrive with a Chronic Illness
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How to Thrive with a Chronic Illness

Whether you are diagnosed or not, been struggling for years or are newly symptomatic; living with a chronic illness, chronic pain condition, or disability is taxing. Planning your life around the extra effort most tasks take can be exhausting in and of itself. Though the beginning of your chronic illness journey may feel like an insurmountable uphill climb, know that you are not alone and it will get easier. Everyday we get closer to not only understanding these conditions better, but to learning how to manage them.

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When does Imposter Syndrome go away?
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When does Imposter Syndrome go away?

Imposter Syndrome may never go away; and for some, it can become a constant companion to other mental health issues. But, most people aren’t secretly getting through life on luck alone. And, most people definitely aren’t going out of their way to trick people into liking them like it’s a long con. Imposter Syndrome can pop up for anyone and in many different forms. For us, it has popped up from time to time, as proof that we are at the edge of our comfort zones and as an opportunity to go beyond them.

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Ways to Manage Stress when Unemployed
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Ways to Manage Stress when Unemployed

The reality for many people living paycheck to paycheck is that becoming unemployed can cut off access to necessities such as food or housing which could make anyone feel hopeless. While the devastating impact of unemployment can be felt; so can the opportunity to renew and reset that comes as a silver lining to every ending. There are things you can do during a period of unemployment to make the experience less grueling and adjusting to work life again easier.

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How to Handle Falling in Love
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How to Handle Falling in Love

Navigating the exhilarating journey of falling in love can be both thrilling and daunting. This blog explores the emotional landscape of new relationships, providing insights and advice to help you embrace this profound experience with confidence and joy.

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How to Make Friends as an Adult
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How to Make Friends as an Adult

Making new friends as an adult can be challenging, but it's entirely possible. This blog offers strategies and encouragement for building meaningful connections in adulthood, helping you expand your social circle and enrich your life.

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Things You Always Forget When Moving!
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Things You Always Forget When Moving!

Moving can be overwhelming, and it's easy to overlook important details. This blog highlights commonly forgotten aspects of relocating, offering practical tips to ensure a smooth transition and help you settle comfortably into your new home.

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What to do AFTER Getting into College!
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What to do AFTER Getting into College!

You've received your college acceptance letter—congratulations! But what's next? This blog guides you through the essential steps to take after acceptance, ensuring you're fully equipped for this exciting new chapter.

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Nina’s Chronic Illness Management Tips!
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Nina’s Chronic Illness Management Tips!

Chronic Illness management tips! Nina takes on Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, POTS, and a few other of her “alphabet soup” diagnoses. Hear what helps her symptoms on good days and bad!

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